A pattern attempted to extract an incorrect number of fields from a variant.
Erroneous code example:
fn main() {
enum Fruit {
Apple(String, String),
let x = Fruit::Apple(String::new(), String::new());
match x {
Fruit::Apple(a) => {},
_ => {}
A pattern used to match against an enum variant must provide a sub-pattern for
each field of the enum variant.
Here the Apple
variant has two fields, and should be matched against like so:
fn main() {
enum Fruit {
Apple(String, String),
let x = Fruit::Apple(String::new(), String::new());
match x {
Fruit::Apple(a, b) => {},
_ => {}
Matching with the wrong number of fields has no sensible interpretation:
fn main() {
enum Fruit {
Apple(String, String),
let x = Fruit::Apple(String::new(), String::new());
match x {
Fruit::Apple(a) => {},
Fruit::Apple(a, b, c) => {},
Check how many fields the enum was declared with and ensure that your pattern
uses the same number.